The time is finally here.

& we couldn’t be happier for you.

Congratulations! If you are at this point, you have made a life changing decision. Not only does treating your hearing loss positively impact all kinds of cognitive function, but confidence in communication is priceless.

This is going to be fun.

  • First things first, we are going to do a few extra tests. We will start with Real Ear Measurement to be sure we are hitting all of your targets. Then we will do some initial programming as a starting point.

    We will then teach you how to use your hearing aids, how to charge them, how to insert and remove them. We will also teach you how to use them with your smart phone; phone calls, streaming music and audio books, making adjustments, all or nothing - it’s up to you if you’d like to take advantage of the state-of-the-art features that now come standard with most hearing aids. Not into technology? That’s okay too, these things can be enabled and disabled and any time.

  • Real Ear Measurement is a verification method to make sure that we are hitting all of your specific targets. Real Ear Measurement consists of sending sound through your ear canal with a probe tube to measure the volume of your canal, we then do this again with your hearing aid inserted. The reason for this, is sound travels differently through different canals based on size, shape and curviness. Think of sound traveling through two tunnels, 1 tunnel is skinny and curved, the other is straight and wide, sound waves will travel differently through these 2 tunnels.

  • Because most people lose hearing over a long period of time, the brain gets VERY used to not hearing all the little ticks and clicks and dings of the world. In the first few weeks of wearing hearing aids, we will slowly introduce all of these new sounds to you, allowing your brain to learn how to process them as they come. At your first follow up appointment, we will make adjustments based on the experiences you had during your first 10-14 days.

  • There are 2 parts to hearing - there is objective hearing that we can measure and there is subjective hearing. Subjective hearing is your perception of sound. This is why your feedback about what you experience is is so important to us. When someone tells us that everything sounds tinny, we know what to change. The refrigerated sounds too loud, we know what to change. 9 times out of 10, if someone tells us something that bothers them, we can make it better. Otherwise, we work with the top 5 manufacturers for a reason, so we can give you every option to find a solution that is perfect for you.

  • We offer a 45 day trial period with a 100% money back guarantee. Want to try something different? We will give you another 45 day trial period. We must also take this opportunity to brag that we have a VERY low return rate. Our clients LOVE hearing!

Hearing clearly is one call away.
